Call (619) 500-1289 to speak to Attorney Timothy Riley
A domestic violence restraining order can be obtained if someone abused you and you have/had a close relationship with him/her as in married, registered domestic partners, divorced, separated, dating or previously dating, have children together, currently or previously lived together other than as roommates, or a close relationship including parent, child, brother, sister, and grandparents. Your relationship to the other party by marriage (in-laws) or adoption also qualifies.
Do you have questions? Contact San Diego Restraining Orders Attorney Timothy Riley and get the help you need.
This restraining order applies if you are being harassed, threatened, abused, or stalked by someone that you are not in a close relationship with or were not in such a relationship with previously.
Do you have questions? Contact San Diego Restraining Orders Attorney Timothy Riley and get the help you need.
This restraining order applies if an employer seeks protection for an employee who is suffering serious harassment, stalking, violence or a credible threat of violence at the workplace.
This restraining order applies if you are 65 years or older and you are a victim of physical abuse or financial abuse, neglect or abandonment, treatment that has injured you physically or mentally, or caregiver deprivation of basic items or services that you need or you will suffer physically, mentally or emotionally.
This restraining order applies if you are between 18 and 64 years old and you have certain mental or physical disabilities that keep you from being able to perform normal activities or protect yourself and you are a victim of physical abuse or financial abuse, neglect or abandonment, treatment that has injured you physically or mentally, or caregiver deprivation of basic items or services that you need or you will suffer physically, mentally or emotionally.
Per California law, an immediate family member, employer, coworker, employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary school, or law enforcement agency may seek an order prohibiting an individual who poses a significant danger of personal injury to himself, herself or another from controlling, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, ammunition, or magazine.